
Vaginal Twin Birth

Oct 13, 2020
Learning the amazing news that you are pregnant with twins is astonishing for any woman. You have double the blessings to look forward to, and your babies will carry a special bond with them throughout life. As you prepare for life with twins..

Learning the amazing news that you are pregnant with twins is astonishing for any woman. You have double the blessings to look forward to, and your babies will carry a special bond with them throughout life. As you prepare for life with twins, you can begin thinking about how you wish to give birth. Many women are under the false assumption that a twin pregnancy means an automatic c-section, but that is not true. About half of twin births happen vaginally. If your goal is to have a vaginal twin birth, you need to speak with your doctor early on during your pregnancy.

A cesarean delivery is a major surgical procedure, and it should never be performed at whim. While some instances of twin deliveries can get a little more complicated, due to multiple babies making their debuts, vaginal delivery of twins can be successful.

Throughout pregnancy with twins, you will be supervised by a complete team of experts, led by your prenatal practitioner. Your doctor will want to see you more frequently to reduce any potential complications of carrying twins. The growth of each baby will be monitored to ensure that both babies are thriving within the womb. It is not unusual for one baby to be slightly larger than the other, but any major growth differences will need to be watched closely. Aside from any complications with growth, cord location, and fetal position, you can begin making a vaginal birth plan with your doctor.

A vaginal twin birth plan must be held loosely. Every labor and delivery experience is unique, and flexibility and cooperation must be priorities for the mother. Almost all vaginal twin births are performed in a hospital operating room. This allows staff to have easy access to any medical equipment should a medical emergency arise. You will also most likely be required to have an epidural. This is done to make things easier should the need for a c-section occur.

At Marietta OB/GYN Affiliates, P.A., we are pleased to help women who desire to have a vaginal twin birth. The birthing experience is so special, doubly so for moms of twins. Our dedicated team of experienced physicians and nurses is here to support you throughout your entire pregnancy.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Carlos Alarcon, Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates, P.A.