Being pregnant is an exciting time. Growing a new life, or maybe two, is a miraculous event each time a woman conceives. No two people are exactly alike, so each new life is something to celebrate. If you are bringing a new life into the world in 2021, the entire staff at Marietta OB/GYN Affiliates, P.A. congratulates you. We hope to partner with you every step of the way during this wonderful experience.
Prenatal classes, also called childbirth classes, are strongly recommended for first-time parents to help them prepare for what’s to come. While women have been giving birth for centuries, there’s nothing like having a game plan for what to expect during labor and delivery. Prenatal classes are most effective when women and their partners attend the classes together to gather information and lessen their anxiety.
As you prepare your little one’s nursery and wash all of the precious baby clothes you have received, it is also important to prepare your mind for labor and delivery. The benefits of prenatal classes are vast, and they can help mentally prepare you for different scenarios that may occur.
Comprehensive Prenatal and Early Parenting classes are offered through WellStar. At Marietta OB/GYN Affiliates, P.A., we encourage new parents to take advantage of these and other educational resources. While you will not know everything that will happen until the Big Day, being as prepared as possible can help you feel confident when your little one is ready to arrive.