Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in American women. The American Cancer Society estimated that 367,220 women were diagnosed with breast cancer (either invasive cancer or in situ) in 2024 alone.
Because breast cancer is common — it accounts for 30% of all diagnoses in women — our team wants to stress the importance of breast checks. Breast checks are designed to spot the earliest signs of a problem so you can get the treatment you need fast.
It’s also why our team of expert providers includes breast exams in your women’s wellness exams here at Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates in Marietta, Georgia.
Read on to learn more about three types of breast checks, why they’re important, and how often you need them.
Breast checks refer to any screening that helps check for signs of breast cancer. This includes:
Self-exams should be done monthly, ideally on the same day of your monthly menstrual cycle. For example, some women always perform their exams on cycle day seven or cycle day nine. Whichever day you pick, the important thing is to be consistent.
Clinical breast exams are typically scheduled annually as part of your well-woman exam. During your clinical breast exam, our team examines your breast skin, palpates for any lumps, and feels the lymph nodes in your armpits.
For low-risk women, the US Preventive Services Task Force recommends mammograms every two years starting when you’re 40. This screening tool can help spot any growths even before you feel them.
If you notice any lumps or concerning spots, you may need a mammogram, ultrasound, and/or biopsy to determine what type of lump or cyst you’re dealing with.
Now that we’ve covered what types of breast checks are available let’s talk about why they’re so important.
As with any cancer, breast cancer is easier to treat when it’s found in its earliest stages, and the best way to do that is through regular breast checks. “Early detection saves lives” is a common statement, and there’s a reason it’s repeated so often — because it’s true.
When you perform regular self-breast exams, you become familiar with how your breasts normally look and feel. By checking yourself monthly, you’ll be more likely to notice anything unusual and bring it to your Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates provider right away.
For women over 40 or those with higher risk factors, mammograms are even more important. These imaging tests use low-dose X-rays to detect abnormalities — such as small tumors that can’t be felt externally — before they’re noticeable to you.
Mammograms can also detect:
Talk to our team if you’re unsure when you need your first mammogram. We can help you determine the right screening schedule based on your personal and family health history.
Just like your Pap smear gives you peace of mind when screening for cervical cancer, breast checks do the same for breast cancer. Your breast checks reassure you that you’re doing everything you need to do to protect your breasts.
Even if no issues are found, the act of staying vigilant helps you feel confident and in control of your breast health.
Call 770-422-8505 to schedule your well-woman exam, mammogram, or clinical breast exam. You can also schedule an appointment via our online booking system in our Marietta, Georgia, office.