
Are You Skipping Your Wellness Exams

May 21, 2021
When it comes to your health, you never want to take a back seat. You are the only person who has control over your health through the decisions you make and the appointments you keep…or skip. If you are one of the millions of women who is skipping...

When it comes to your health, you never want to take a back seat. You are the only person who has control over your health through the decisions you make and the appointments you keep…or skip. If you are one of the millions of women who is skipping her wellness exam, please keep reading to learn why you need to make this yearly appointment a priority.

Women’s wellness exams are done with the explicit purpose of saving lives and staying ahead of serious health problems. Women are notorious for putting others first and themselves last. This often means that when it is time for their annual wellness exam, they will reschedule it – aka: put it off indefinitely. Yet, understanding how vital wellness exams are can help ensure that you make them a priority.

Of course, at Marietta OB-GYN, we understand the natural pull to “reschedule” wellness exams. A gynecologist appointment has never been something that any of our patients have been excited about. It is disruptive to your schedule, it’s extremely personal, and there are a hundred things you’d rather be doing. Yet! It is only once a year, it takes approximately one hour of your time, and it can save your life.

During a wellness exam, you can expect the following:

  • Your iron level will be checked with a finger prick.
  • Your weight will be recorded.
  • You will give a urine sample.
  • You will meet with the doctor to discuss any changes you have experienced since your last exam and any symptoms or concerns you have.
  • A physical exam will be done of your breasts, pelvic area, and genitalia (including a pap smear). This portion of your exam takes approximately 3 minutes.

If you have been guilty of skipping your wellness exams, we encourage you to reconsider. Hundreds of thousands of women have been given life-saving information as a result of keeping this yearly appointment. Contact our practice today to schedule your wellness exam. You are doing yourself a favor.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Carlos Alarcon, Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates, P.A.